S.P.A.G in the Department of Mysteries on FictionAlley

heiditandy heidit at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 20 14:21:55 UTC 2003

Thanks to some amazing work by some of FA's fantastic coders & mods, 
we're thrilled to announce the grand opening of the Department of the 

Frustrated by commas? Confused by quotation marks? Can't find a beta 
editor and really need to understand why your fic keeps getting 
returned? Welcome to The Department of the Mysteries, the newest 
forum at FictionAlley Park! Here, learn the deep and not so very dark 
secrets of grammar and structure - and take advantage of our public 
beta reading process!</i></blockquote>

You can find it <a 

Heidi for FictionAlley

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