Lumos Dissendium Site Updates - 8/23/03

Elia Sheldon eliasheldon at
Sat Aug 23 19:00:26 UTC 2003

Greetings all,

Lumos Dissendium was updated today.

Visit the site at:

Lumos Dissendium is FictionAlley's newest addition - a
section for tips and tricks on writing and other
fandom activity. It's a good place to start for the
new member of fandom - and also a good place to visit
occasionally, in order to make sure you're still in
the loop!

Here are the changes to the site:

1. Added new essay, "Screenplay - FAQ" by John Bragg,
which gives advice on how to write in this fun and
challenging format.

2. Added three links that connect readers to sage
writing advice from a well-known published author. 
Read about the three rules of writing, how to write
about your ideas, and the tricks to chapters.

3. Updated list of contributors at the bottom of the
main page.

Enjoy the updated site, and stay tuned for more.

On behalf of the Lumos Dissendium Elves

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