HP and the Fall of Childhood chapter 22
shayla at shaylantara.yahoo.invalid
Sun Feb 23 02:01:33 UTC 2003
Title: Harry Potter and the Fall of Childhood: Chapter 22- Commoneo
Author: Shayla
URL: chapter: http://www.schnoogle.com/authors/shayla/FOC22.html
Story page: http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/Shayla/Fall_Of_Childhood/
yahoogroup: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hp_veris
Summary: This chapter, Harry remembers. Spans nearly eight years, from
February 1988 up through the books and earlier in Fall of Childhood itself.
Rating: R.
With this chapter, I broke the 200,000 word mark!
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.
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