FF: Psychic Serpent Updates

psychic_serpent <psychic_serpent@psychic_serpent.yahoo.invalid> psychic_serpent at psychic_serpent.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jan 4 16:08:59 UTC 2003

The latest chapters of both WiPs set in the Psychic Serpent universe 
are up on Schnoogle.com!

The Lost Generation (1975-1982)
Chapter 9
Go to: http://www.schnoogle.com/cgi-bin/links/jump.cgi?ID=6518

The prequel to "Harry Potter and the Psychic Serpent," LG covers 
Bill Weasley's Hogwarts years and the end of the Marauders' school 
years (plus Lily and Snape) and the time up to and just past 
Voldemort's fall.  In the latest chapter, a certain couple who shall 
eventually have a certain green-eyed boy finally get together (at 
last!). Chapter 10 is coming soon, featuring Snape's recruitment as 
a Death Eater and the pivotal day when the Triangle Prophecy was 

Harry Potter and the Triangle Prophecy
Chapter 14
Go to: http://www.schnoogle.com/cgi-bin/links/jump.cgi?ID=6341

The third part of the Psychic Serpent Trilogy.  We aren't far into 
Harry's seventh year yet, but there's a lot going on!  Harry and Ron 
try to explain the girl in their dorm, someone overhears them 
discussing the "difficulties" Ron experiences just before the full 
moon, Draco and Mariah are up to no good, Harry finds out a little 
about Sirius' extra-curricular activities, Harry gives Petunia 
detention, and he finds out about the origin of the amulet and 
Slytherin's hatred of Muggles, and also why Mariah sometimes wears 
those fingerless gloves.  Chapter 15 is already on the Psychic 
Serpent Yahoo group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Psychic_Serpent ) 
and will be on Schnoogle soon.  Coming up: Harry plays Quidditch for 
Wales and Ron for England in the game that will determine who goes 
on to the semi-finals for the 1997 European Cup.  Who will win, and 
will their friendship survive?  Plus, TWO nasty articles from Daisy 



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