ADMIN: Announcement list changes
Kelley <>
kelleythompson at
Tue Jan 21 08:18:40 UTC 2003
Hello everyone--
Your friendly HPfGU list administrators would like to tell you about
a change we're making to our Announcements group:
Currently, posts made to this group are on view only to members of
the group. To make these posts accessible to more people, we are
going to change this.
Starting February 1, the Announcement group's messages will be made
public. What this means is that anyone who would like to read the
posts here will be able to do so without having to join this group.
This also means that information in posts in this group can come up
when people are searching the web (Google searches and so forth), so
if anyone who has posted to the Announcements list would prefer to
not have their posts available to the public, please take this
opportunity to delete them.
Anyone can delete their own messages, and as there are only 623 posts
here at the moment, searching for a post you've made is quite simple.
If you have any questions or need help doing this, please contact
myself (kelleythompson@ or the Mods as a group
(MagicalMods@ Thanks!
--Kelley, for the Mods
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