FIC: Aftermath - Spoilers for OOTP!

k-lo padawanmage at
Thu Jul 3 02:01:52 UTC 2003

Spoilers Space ahead.....

I know I already sent this out earlier this week, but I did so without any
spoiler warnings. Also, I  asked the Admins to remove the message after I
found out about my mistake.  So now, I'm submitting it correctly.  Please
read and review.....

Title: Aftermath

Spoilers: Everything up to and including The Order of The Phoenix

Author's Notes: This takes place immediately after OoTP, where Harry returns
with the Dursley's to #4 Privet Drive. Especially now that Harry has time to
reflect on what happened the previous year. I'm not sure if ALL wizarding
photographs act as Mad-Eye's did, but it's assumed they do. Also, it's also
assumed that Sirius was NOT killed with the Killing curse before he fell in
to the Veil.

Disclaimers:  All are owned by J.K. Rowling. Otherwise, I could kiss my
student loans goodbye!


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