FF: The End of the Begining Chapter 6

Saitaina saitaina at saitaina.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jun 5 00:24:40 UTC 2003

The latest chapter of The End of the
Beginning is up on Schnoogle:

Chapter Six:
Family Ties...That Bind and Gag.

Main Story Summary: Neville's the wizzarding
world's new hero, but is he ready to face
those that betrayed him?

In this Chapter: Seamus learns about his
family's past, Percy and Draco duel, and
Neville cries on Harry's shoulder.

Rating: R for language, violence against
people and things and sexual content.

Pairings: SLASH ahead.  Neville/Percy,
Neville/Draco, Seamus/Dean, Seamus/Lucius,
Justin/Hannah(mentions), Harry/Draco
(mentions), Hermione/Susan

Go to
http://www.schnoogle.com/authorLinks/Saitaina/The_End_of_the_Beginning/ to enjoy.

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