ADMIN: Nimbus Fundraiser - 2d Update

elfundeb2 elfundeb at
Thu Jun 12 22:42:41 UTC 2003

Hi all --

We, the HPFGU Admin Team, are excited to update you on the progress 
of our
fundraising since we last repeated the fundraising appeal message. 
Thanks in
large part to a *very* generous donation from an individual (who 
wishes to
remain anonymous) we have now raised a total of $1500. This will 
allow HPFGU
to sponsor a small event or item, plus some programming. We've 
reached the
last moments of the fundraising drive -- it ends Sunday, June 15 -- 
but if we could raise an additional $500, we could increase our 
presence at Nimbus. You can find details on how to make your donation 

No sponsorship would have been possible without your generous 
support, and once
again we thank all who have donated.


Over the last four years, HP4GU has been the best online source for
in-depth, mature discussion of all things Potter. The list has
burgeoned to 7,000 members, more than twelve sister and regional
lists, and the finest collection of Fantastic Posts essays about HP
that one can locate on the web. Regional meetings are no longer so
regional. In New York City, Chicago, London, Germany and all over the
world in fact, we have met, sometimes in handfuls, sometimes in large

And now, this summer, Harry Potter fans take the next step. More than
400 fans will converge on Orlando, Florida, to create the single
largest gathering yet, at the *first ever* symposium centered solely
on Harry Potter. But you know all this - or you do if you've been
around lately. What you might not know is that Nimbus - 2003 needs
HP4GU's help. And HP4GU needs your help.  This vitally important first
year's symposium - and therefore future symposia - depends on your

Many people have said things like, "Well, I can't afford Nimbus this
year, so I'll wait for next year."  We certainly understand if you
can't attend this year.  But, if you can't go this time, there's an
easy way you can help ensure that there is a next time.

When the Nimbus - 2003 team formed in June of 2002, they envisioned
an event that would set the tone. They saw the groundwork for future
events, perhaps even eventually large enough to rent our own castle in
Scotland for a long week-end. If event after event can prove our
sincerity and our integrity, then perhaps we will win the respect of
WB, JKR's agents, and even JKR herself. We could position this chain
of symposia to become the official convention for adults, and possibly
even become the preferred symposium for pursuit of the books. But
without fan support, none of that can happen.

Corporate sponsorship, which the event's organizers believed would
be a natural source of funding, has not materialized as anticipated.
Even corporations with significant ties to HP merchandise have been
uninterested. The Nimbus - 2003 team attributes this to changing
relationships of licensees to WB, the struggle of an unhistoried,
untested event, and of course the general economy and world situation.
Despite their hope that they would be able to supplement registrations
with corporate contributions and lift the burden from the fans, the
team finds themselves in need of grassroots assistance.

Since Nimbus is the event that HP4GU inspired, they have turned to us,
as well as the corners of the fandom, for that help. That is why, in
addition to lending its reputation and support to Nimbus - 2003, we at
HP4GU would like to make that support financial and be an official
Nimbus "Symposium Sponsor."

Nimbus offers Symposium Sponsorhip at the level of $15,000 (USD). That
sounds like a lot. But remember how we said that the list boasts
over 7,000 members? That means that if only half of you are able to
donate $5 apiece, HP4GU can realize its goal. If you can give more,
please give more, because we know there are those among you who cannot
give any, much as you might like to.

This sponsorship would pay for:

** Internet cafe, so that attendees and presenters can connect with HP
fans around the world who are unable to attend Nimbus - 2003.  Cost
includes computer rental and internet access costs.  [$5,000] 

** Coverage of honoraria, hotel, and airfare for the Special Guests,
including: Judith Krug, Connie Neal, John Granger, Philip Nel, and 
Roger Highfield [$3,500]

** Coverage of the Judith Krug Keynote Luncheon (Judith Krug 
is the Director of the Office of Intellectual Freedom for the 
Library Association and will speak on the subject of censorship and
book banning, with reference to Harry Potter in particular) [$3,000]

** The Farewell Breakfast on Sunday [$2,500]

** Welcoming Feast and Meet-and-Greet on Thursday night [$1,000]

Moreover, for those of you who are U.S. taxpayers, your donation to 
the HP4GU Nimbus - 2003 sponsorship may be tax-deductible. HP 
Fanon, Inc., the company created to oversee these periodic recurring 
symposia, has been granted tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status as an 
organization. That means your contribution carries the same
advantages to you as a donation to your local charity of choice.

We hope you will be part of the only event to grow out of the 
excellent, deep, shocking, and hilarious conversations you've enjoyed
online. Be part of the vision shared by list member, elf, geist, and
moderator alike.  Even if you can't attend - even if you will - you
have a chance to help make Harry Potter history. With your help, we
can continue to prove that HP4GU is one of the best HP communities
around - on the Web, or in person.  With your help, that reputation
will only be heightened, through the contact with and exchange between
fans and academics and professionals who are equally enamoured of the
books and all they represent.  Plus, you'll be helping to create an
amazing reality which for some will reinforce - or *create* -
longstanding friendships and new communities.

To make a donation, simply send funds via paypal to:

hpfgu-donate at ...

Or, if you prefer, you may send your donation (whether in US funds 
or other currency) to:

Harry Potter Symposium - 2003
PO Box 18769
Rochester, NY 14618-0769

We hope that whether you can join us or not, you will consider 
making a contribution to show your support - not just for this year's
event, but to ensure the future of any other similar conferences
brought to you on behalf of *your* email list: HPforGrownups.

Yours in anticipation of Nimbus - 2003,

The HP4GU Administration Team

P.S. Don't forget, only $5 from you will do the trick! Follow this
link ( to contribute to a 
Nimbus - 2003 Symposium Sponsorship today!

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