Attention HPfGUers near Clarksville, TN
Amy Z
lupinesque at
Tue Jun 17 20:38:19 UTC 2003
The following request was just sent to
hpforgrownups-owner. I hope someone out there lives
in Tennessee and would like to respond! -Amy Z
Dear HP for Grownups,
I am a reporter at The Leaf-Chronicle newspaper in
Clarksville, Tenn. I am working on a story about
adults who follow Harry Potter in advance of Friday's
release of Order of the Phoenix. If you have a place
to post a notice for anyone from the Clarksville area
to contact me should they be interested in sharing
their passion for the story, please let me know. I
appreciate your time spent reviewing this e-mail.
Amy Ritchart
The Leaf-Chronicle
amyritchart at ...
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