10 days left...
gwendolyngrace at gwendolyngrace.yahoo.invalid
Sat Mar 8 00:35:09 UTC 2003
It has been pointed out to me that in my haste to remind everyone
about the price increase, I mistakenly introduced a discrepancy. The
fee is currently $129.75 (one hundred twenty-nine and three-quarters
dollars, US).
And it's 9 days now.
--- In HPFGU-Announcements at yahoogroups.com, Gwen
<gwendolyngrace at y...> wrote:
> Beware the Ides of March...because the price for
> Nimbus is rising.
> Nimbus - 2003 reminds you that you have 10 days left
> for the current registration rate of $129.75 (that's
> ninety nine and three quarters dollars). On March 16
> (12:01 am US Mountain Standard Time), the price for
> registration will climb to $149.75.
> The good news is that you can pay via PayPal if you
> prefer. The benefit for you is, you won't have to
> overnight a check to us, in order to pay by the 15th.
> There is an additional fee of $2.25, to cover PayPal
> and administrative bank transfer expenses, so
> <b>please</b> add that on to your total from the
> registration page, when you enter the information via
> PayPal.
> If you have any questions, please email
> PayPal at h...
> To pay with PayPal, register here:
> http://www.hp2003.org/nimbusregister.html
> After you've registered, you can select the link from
> the Payment Page to PayPal, and pay for it that way.
> Don't forget to add the $2.25 processing fee if you do
> choose PayPal.
> You can also pay directly at the registration site
> through a major credit card, i.e., Mastercard/Visa,
> Discover, or American Express.
> __________________________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more
> http://taxes.yahoo.com/
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