Lumos Dissendium Site Updates - 5/09/03

Elia Sheldon eliasheldon at
Sat May 10 02:08:31 UTC 2003

Greetings all,

Lumos Dissendium was updated this evening.

Visit the site at:

Lumos Dissendium is FictionAlley's newest addition - a
section for tips and tricks on writing and other
fandom activity. It's a good place to start for the
new member of fandom - and also a good place to visit
occasionally, in order to make sure you're still in
the loop!

Here are the changes to the site:

1. Added premiere issue of the new advice column, Fic
Talk by Swish and Flick.  In this issue, Swish and
Flick dole out advice on developing characters and
plot. E-mail them your fanfic woes at
fic_talk at ..., and they will help.

2. Uploaded a new essay, "Steps to a Good Crossover
Fic" by wcspegasus, which offers helpful advice on
writing crossover fics.

3. Updated list of contributors at the bottom of the
main page

Enjoy the updated site, and stay tuned for more.

On behalf of the Lumos Dissendium Elves

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