Nimbus - 2003 Second Call for Daytime Session Volunteers
selah_1977 at
Sat May 24 16:22:54 UTC 2003
The response to our first Call for Program Volunteers was
But we are still in need of other folks to help out!
A Session Coordinator's duties might include:
--Introducing guests, initiating the Q and A period (if there is
time), thanking panelists and presenters for their participation, and
signaling that the session is closed
--Keeping time (extremely important for sessions that are more full
than others)
--Making sure that the A/V equipment stays in good working order (and
if not, communicating that to Carole or me)
A Session Chaser's duties might include:
--Ensuring that presenters/panelists have arrived at their assigned
location at least 5-10 min before session's start (and if not,
communicating that to me)
--Distributing any literature to the assembled guests and/or
--Transcribing or otherwise recording part or all of the session for
our published proceedings
(this is a definite *maybe*--we are looking into a separate group of
Aurors for this task!)
--Taking care of immediate presenter/panelist needs and communicating
any special situations to me
--Other session-related tasks, as they arise.
The following daytime sessions are still in need of volunteers. I've
listed the open positions next to the session title
the slash in
this case means that we're in need of both positions.
Parseltongue for Non-Native Speakers (Coordinator/Chaser)
PoA: A Case Against the Death Penalty (Chaser)
Will Cease and Desist Cease to Exist? (Coordinator/Chaser)
Tanya Grotter: A Harry Potter Knock-Off? (Coordinator/Chaser)
What Makes a Professor Behave Like Snape? (Chaser)
Panel: Harry Potter and Pop Culture (Chaser)
Harry Potter vs. Other Fantasy Tales (Coordinator/Chaser)
HP Library Events Workshop (Coordinator/Chaser)
Pottermania Brag and Meet (Coordinator/Chaser)
Cloaks and Cauldrons: Wizarding Fashion (Coordinator/Chaser)
The Geography of Harry Potter (Coordinator/Chaser)
Technology Meets Magic (Coordinator/Chaser)
Platform 9 ¾: Ontological Barriers (Coordinator/Chaser)
The Science of Harry Potter--Roger Highfield (Coordinator/Chaser)
The Danger of Dynamics: Magical Transport (Coordinator/Chaser)
But That's the Title on the Manifesto! Labor/Class Concerns
Strangers in a Strange Land (Coordinator/Chaser)
The Great Tradition and Harry Potter (Coordinator/Chaser)
Panel: Once Upon a Time-Turner: Fandom History (Coordinator/Chaser)
Panel: The Importance of Being Ron (Coordinator/Chaser)
Affinity and Lexical Choice in the Fan Community (Coordinator/Chaser)
The Pleasure and the Pain of the Scar (Coordinator/Chaser)
Don't Tell the Grownups: Text/Fandom Subversion (Chaser)
Online Writing Workshops (Chaser)
Ophelia's Quill Pen (Chaser)
Publishing on Potter (Coordinator/Chaser)
Panel: The Wizarding World: Past, Present, Future Timeline
Harry Potter: A Universal Hero (Coordinator/Chaser)
Within the Pantheon: Harry Potter and the Epic Question
The Heroic Journey and Harry Potter (Chaser)
The Heroic Quest: Harry Potter and Myth (Chaser)
Celluloid Polyjuice: Filmic Transfiguration (Chaser)
Greenhouses Are For Girls, Beasts Are For Boys? (Coordinator/Chaser)
Harry Potter: Witchcraft? Pagan Perspectives (Chaser)
Can Any Wisdom Come From Wizardry? (Coordinator/Chaser)
Seven Deadly Sins/Seven Heavenly Virtues (Chaser)
Jewish Perspectives on Harry Potter (Chaser)
What's a Christian To Do With Harry Potter?--Connie Neal
Imagination at Work: HP/Stoic Virtue (Coordinator/Chaser)
Talking About Harry: Fairy Tale/Moral Character (Coordinator/Chaser)
Language and Fictional Reality: Words/Potterverse (Coordinator/Chaser)
Narratorial Control: Harry Potter/Three Investigators
Interested? Come on, I know you are! You're going to be in that
session anyway
so why not help out?
Please send the following information to hpcfp at ASAP:
Name (whatever you want us to call you at Nimbus)
E-mail Address
Session(s) and Positions (list as many as you choose)
Other Remarks/Comments
Don't worry about time conflicts
I'll worry about that for you, as
the schedule is still in the process of being finalized.
Less than two months to go, everyone!
Magically yours,
Ebony AKA AngieJ
Co-Chair, Programming
Nimbus 2003, A Harry Potter Symposium
More information about the HPFGU-Announcements