ADMIN: Some changes...

Albus Dumbledore albusthewise at
Fri May 30 12:48:57 UTC 2003

Could I have everyone's attention?  <taps mike>  The HPfGU 
Administration Team would like to talk to you, just for a minute.  
Okay, maybe two or three minutes, but it's important.

As you might imagine, running a list of this size is a daunting 
task.  It needs to be accessible to everyone, the posting standards 
need to be maintained, and the volume needs to be kept to a 
manageable level. This is presently done by an administrative team of 
about thirty people, who are listed as "moderators" in the Members 
section of this list: 

In the past, this team was divided into three subgroups--list elves, 
poltergeists, and a small subgroup called, confusingly enough, 
Moderators.  Most of you have met at least one list elf--these are 
the folks who welcome you to the list, answer your questions, check 
the messages submitted by the moderated members, etc.  Poltergeists 
perform various technical or administrative tasks, like throwing 
water balloons and sticking gum into keyholes.  The Moderators were a 
small subgroup of the administrative team who made all the overall 
policy decisions.  However, we have recently come to the collective 
realization that this sort of hierarchical structure is simply not 
viable.  Following a lengthy discussion and self-evaluation of the 
entire administrative structure, the Moderator subgroup has been 
disbanded.  Their responsibilities are now shared across the entire 
team, which is working on reorganizing the administrative 
infrastructure of the HPfGU community.

At the same time, as a result of this difficult and time-consuming 
process, a number of the Moderators have chosen to step down from the 
administrative team.   Fortunately, most of them remain as members of 
the HP for Grownups community.  The HPfGU Administrative Team is 
saddened and diminished by this loss.  We raise our goblets to the 
tremendous contributions made by Catherine (catorman), Cindy 
(cindysphynx), Jim Flanagan (jamesf991), John (queerasjohn), Neil 
(FlyingFordAnglia), Parker (harpdreamer), and most especially to our 
Founding Mother, Penny Linsenmayer (plinsenmayer). We express our 
profound gratitude and appreciation for your work, and hope to live 
up to your standards of commitment and care, and look forward to 
discussing OoP with you.

Also two of our Geists, Jenny (jenny_ravenclaw) and Jen P (jenp_97), 
and one of our Elves, Ebony (selah_1977), have chosen to step down 
from the administration team. To them we give our heartfelt thanks 
for their hard work and the great spirit they've brought to the HPfGU 

The rest of us remain committed, with your help, to being the best 
Harry Potter forum on the Web.  We are continuing to oversee the 
daily smooth operation of the various HPfGU lists as well as 
exploring ways to best restructure how we run HPfGU.  We have updated 
the Humongous Bigfile to reflect these changes, and will continue to 
refine it until our new structure is firmly in place. 

Although the process is not yet complete, we would like to assure you 
that a new administrative structure is rising, phoenix-like, from the 
ashes of the old and that as soon it is fully fledged, it will spread 
its wings for all to see.  Or, if you prefer, a new administrative 
structure is rising, Voldemort-like, out of the bones of the old, and 
that as soon as it is fully clothed and holding its wand, it will 
press the "Special Notices" mark to summon you all.  Either way, we 
will report back to you as soon as possible to tell you of our 
progress.  Oh, and if you have any questions or comments, please 
email us at HPforGrownups-owner at, and one of us will 

--The HPfGU List Administration Team

The members of the team are:

Ali (Merry Elf), Amanda (Amandageist), Amy Z (Amygeist, ex-
Moderator), Barb (Babsgeist), Carole (Carolegeist), David (Davey 
Elf), Debbie (Debby Elf), Dicentra Spectabilis (Dicey Elf), Elkins 
(Elkigeist, ex-Moderator), Eloise (Weezy Elf), Gwendolyn Grace 
(Gwenny Elf), Heidi (Heidy Elf, currently on maternity leave), Jen F 
(Jenny Elf), Jim Ferer (ex-Jimmy Elf), Joy (ex-Joysie Elf and Help 
Desk Diva), Joywitch (Curmudgeon), Judy (Judey Elf), Kelley (Kelley 
Elf, ex-Moderator), Kimberly (Moony Elf), Luke (Lukey Elf), Marina 
(Filky Elf), Mary Ann (Dizzy Elf), Michelle (ex-Shelly Elf), Mike 
(Aberforth's Goat, ex-Moderator), Paul (technoGeist), Pip (Pippy 
Elf), Pippin (Peppy Elf), Porphyria (Ashey Elf, currently on 
sabbatical), Saitaina (Saity Elf), Sheryll (Rylly Elf), Simon (ex-
Simey Elf, Dr. Branford), Steve Vander Ark (Keeper of the Lexicon), 
Tabouli (Tooly Elf).

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