HP-RPG for Grown-ups!

jillieroth serri13 at jillieroth.yahoo.invalid
Sun Sep 28 01:18:14 UTC 2003

hprp4grownups is looking for a few good men. And women. Active, 
mature, smart, and ready to throw your character headlong into a plot 
(one you create or one that exists)? Come join our ranks...

Our RPG has been going on strong for two months now and in that short 
amount of time we've expanded quite a bit. We've procured our own 
private journal server; this way we don't have to be subjected to the 
whims of an online journal like Caleida or LiveJournal, which have 
often gone down or had slow load times because of the amount of 
users. The format is still that of a journal however; each character 
has one as do our IC and OOC Communities. We also have a Staff 
Lounge, a Death Eaters community, common rooms for each house, a 
community for the Order of the Phoenix mebers, and so on! Another 
benefit to having our own server is that we get to have 30 icons for 
our characters as opposed to the limit of 3 that most other journals 
restrict us to.

At this precise moment, the characters we would most love to have are:

REMUS LUPIN (player has had to leave the game due to extraneous 

Rubeus Hagrid

Colin Creevey

Zacharias Smith

Madam Poppy Pomfrey (already in use but the player would like to give 
her up to focus on others!)

Theodore Nott

Arthur & Molly Weasley

There are others, of course, but for now those are our most-wanted. 
Only canon characters are being accepted. 

We're a fun bunch. No scary mods. Just adamant about people being 
active and good at spelling & grammar! If you're interested, come 
check us out at http://www.HP-RPG.Com 

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