Convention Alley Early Registration Ending Soon!

Phyllis Morris erisedstraeh2002 at
Thu Apr 15 18:03:54 UTC 2004

There are only two weeks left to register for this summer's HPfGU-sponsored conference, called "Convention Alley," at the early registration price! Convention Alley will be held at the University of Ottawa from Friday, July 30 through Sunday, August 1, 2004. Registration provides admission to all of the daytime programming sessions, light refreshments at Friday's meet and greet, breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday (with guest speaker Judith Robertson at Sunday's luncheon), Saturday evening's birthday banquet (with keynote speaker Steve Vander Ark), admission to the Prisoner of Azkaban movie on Saturday
evening and admission to such areas as the vendor marketplace and games room. In addition, all participants will be provided with a copy of the conference proceedings (a compilation of the papers presented at the conference) when they arrive on Friday.

Registering on or before April 30, 2004 costs $200.00 Canadian, while registering on or after May 1, 2004 will cost $250.00 Canadian. Please note that the cost figures are listed in Canadian dollars. While the conversion is subject to change depending on the value of the Canadian dollar, $200 Canadian currently equals approximately $151 in American dollars (for registrations before May 1, 2004), and $250 Canadian currently equals approximately $189 in American dollars (for registrations between May 1, 2004 and July 1, 2004).

We'd like as many participants as possible to attend for the lower price, so please don't delay! For more information, or to register, please visit: .

~Phyllis Morris
2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee

Follow the signs to Convention Alley:

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