Time to do it myself--a Harry Potter RPG run by a grownup
seuferer at shanti_50130.yahoo.invalid
Sat Dec 11 23:30:56 UTC 2004
Well, I've had to "take the plunge" in regards to my Harry Potter
role-playing hobby. For me, role-playing is another way of bringing
a story 'to life'. I enjoy it tremendously--sometimes even more
than I like reading/writing fanfiction. It's my way of `exercising
my brain' when I'm feeling sort of brain-mushy from dealing with my
great-but-tiring kids all day.
The universal flaw I have found in my search for a good Harry Potter
role-playing game is that they are almost all own/run/administrated
by college-aged young-adults or younger. These "kids" (to me as a
later 30-something) are all very creative and enthusiastic, but also
very transient.
I don't mean that as an insult! We all know that the college-years
are some of the most exciting but transient times in our lives.
There are frequent major life-changes going on. Classes and finals
and graduations and possible marriages or new jobs and moving and
etc., etc., etc.,
At any rate, I've decided that rather than sit and complain about
this (any more) it is time for me to give it a go myself.
Fortunately, I found two other like-minded friends willing to help
me. We have three administrators ranging in age from 27 to 37, and
we aren't going anywhere! It is also a paid site, paid yearly, from
a reliable company, so none of this down-time or information loss
because of payment issues stuff that has happened on sites I've been
on before.
if role-playing interests you AT ALL, Please come check out our
To the best of my knowledge, this one of the few role-playing games
run by adults with a good focus on the adult and wider-world
settings in the Harry Potter Universe without being a thinly
veiled "smut" site. (Not that we have a problem with smut, but there
are many other ways to stretch the imagination as well!) We do have
a Hogwarts, of course, and many student characters as well as
teenaged players. However, the maturity level of the board and the
role-playing skill is high without being intimidating.
We actively welcome and encourage adult characters, canon or
original, with 'real lives' in the world outside of Hogwarts. It's a
fun way to explore what "average" people might do in the wizarding
world. We have a fairly straight-forward screening process that
ensures we get quality players with a good understanding of canon.
We have lots of open canon characters. Right now we're especially
looking to fill:
Hermione Granger (JKR has just pointed out to us that with her
birthday in September, she nearly a year older than Harryshe will
be of `legal' age early into their 6th yearthat could be VERY fun
to play with! Hermione will be screened very rigorously, though, so
be aware.)
Narcissa Malfoy
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Bill, Percy, Charlie and Ginny Weasley
Argus Filch
Rubeus Hagrid
Madam Hooch
Cornelius Fudge
Delores Umbridge
Students, canon or Original
Order of the Phoenix members, canon or Original
Death Eaters, canon or Original
We're looking for adult characters to `flesh out' the wizarding
world. Hospital employees, Ministry employees, any creative ideas
of shopkeepers, `every day' sorts of folks. Whether you decide your
character supports the Order or Voldemort, we are good about finding
ways to "work in" your character into existing plots.
I'm allowing people who want to come from the game that just `died'
to transfer their own character's interactions/history into the new
game so you will see some `transfer backstory' threads. But we have
currently done nothing in the way of plot advancement, and won't be
until after the Holidays, though the game is "open". This is a
great time to `come on board' and just mess about and interact with
the other characters, develop relationships and things, to `get your
feet wet' gradually.
I hope you'll come and check us out, and maybe play with us.
Lisa/aka Shanti
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