Survey for Las Vegas Symposium

Wendy St. John hebrideanblack at
Tue Feb 17 03:07:40 UTC 2004

Calling all Harry Potter fans:

Hi, everyone! I'm part of the team which is working on a bid for a 
Harry Potter symposium in Las Vegas, in 2006, and I'd like to ask 
for your assistance. We've created a survey asking for your 
preferences regarding hotels and food and local attractions, so that 
we can create an event that will best serve the needs and interests 
of the fandom. Now what we need is for people to give us their 
answers! We'd love to get a wide range of responses, so if you have 
a few minutes to fill out the survey, it would be greatly 

You'll find the survey here:

Thanks in advance for your participation, and please feel free to 
pass along this link to anyone else you think would be interested!


for 2006HP4Vegas 

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