FicNifflers and ArtNifflers sought for
heidilist at
Sat Jan 10 15:21:30 UTC 2004
If you're interested in helping FictionAlley, we're recruiting new
team members in the roles of Nifflers for fics and for art!
For almost two years now, rotating packs of Nifflers have made the
FictionAlley Niffler Recommendations a great asset to the fandom!
We've seen a wonderful range of fiction pass through those boards,
and hopefully have helped some authors gain some new readers and
more exposure for their excellent stories.
And it's time for some new Nifflers! FictionAlley needs a new pack
of Nifflers (named for those little creatures from GoF who find
glittery things) to pick a few fics each month - things that might
have been overlooked when they were first uploaded, or fics that you
feel really deserve a wider audience - and recommend them to the
FictionAlley readers.
All you have to do, if you want to be a FicNiffler, is send an email
(by January 17, 2004) to fa-applicants at with the
following information:
vBulletin User Name: (you must be a registered user of FA)
Email address:
Reviews of at least three multichaptered stories (at least one must
be archived on FA)
Reviews of at least three one-shot stories (at least one must be
archived on FA)
Notes (for both the application and the Niffler Program):
A. Each review must be between 100 and 300 words and must contain
proper grammar and spelling.
B. You cannot review a fic that you beta-read or wrote.
C. Current Nifflers cannot reapply at this time.
D. You must put NIFFLERin the subject of the email.
If you want to be an ArtNiffler, send an email (by January 25, 2004)
to fa-applicants at with the following information:
vBulletin User Name: (you must be a registered user of FA)
Email address:
Reviews of at least fifteen pieces of art (just send us the urls for
your reviews, regardless of what site the reviews are posted to).
Notes (for both the application and the Niffler Program):
A. Each review must be at least 50 words and must contain proper
grammar and spelling.
B. You cannot review art that you were involved in the creation of.
C. Current FicNifflers can apply to be ArtNifflers.
D. You must put ART NIFFLERin the subject of the email.
How will we pick fic and art Nifflers?
We're looking for people who point out the good things in a story, a
drawing, a video, a comic - whatever the creative endeavour is
(these are recommendations after all) but don't shy away from
offering constructive criticism if necessary. However, while reviews
listed in the application can be critical, when a Niffler posts a
recommendation in the FAP forum, it should be something that the
Niffler thinks others might enjoy.
Good grammar and correct spelling (especially for character names)
are necessary!
What will the Nifflers actually do?
Each month, each FicNiffler will submit at least four
recommendations (all at once or one a week) and each ArtNiffler will
submit at least six recommendations (all at once, or spread
throughout the month). Each recommendation will be between 100 and
300 words, and not violate the terms of use. Nifflers can recommend
any Harry Potter fanfic or fan art(except NC-17 ones), whether it's
on FictionAlley or on another site - no matter how old it is, as
long as it's never been Niffled before.
Overall Requirements
1. Please don't apply if you have been assessed more than one point
for ToU violations since September 20, 2003 (if you're not sure, ask
us at help at ...).
2. Time commitment requirements are as follows:
FicNifflers - three hours per month (plus a lot of fic-reading)
ArtNifflers - three hours per month (plus, you have to look at a lot
of art)
E-Mentors - up to fifteen hours per month
If you can't make the time commitment, please don't apply.
More information about the HPFGU-Announcements