Convention Alley Registration Closes Tomorrow!

Phyllis poppytheelf at
Mon Jul 19 18:42:08 UTC 2004

Just a reminder that on-line registration closes tomorrow, July 20th,
for Convention Alley, the HPfGU-sponsored conference for grown-up
Harry Potter fans to be held at the University of Ottawa from July 30-
August 1, 2004. There will be no on-site registration available for
this conference.

Extra tickets for the birthday banquet featuring keynote speaker
Steve Vander Ark on Saturday, July 31st and the luncheon featuring
guest speaker Dr. Judith Robertson on Sunday, August 1st are
available, but must be purchased by tomorrow, July 20th.

Everything you need to know about registering for the conference
and/or purchasing additional banquet/luncheon tickets may be found
here: .

We look forward to seeing you at our magical event - only 11 days to

~Phyllis Morris
2004 Convention Alley Planning Committee

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