The End of the Begining REVISED

Saitaina saitaina at
Wed Jul 28 21:39:01 UTC 2004

The End of the Beginning has been re-written (so if you're new to it, have fun, if
you've read it, you might want to re-read as new scenes have been added to the

The latest chapter of The End of the Beginning has been uploaded to
( )  Er, put
URL back together if it fell apart.

In this chapter:

Chapter Ten: Laying to Rest

After the last hero falls, how do those closest to him grieve? Shared memories, long
gone afternoon games, hidden confessions and a packet of candy all play a role as
Draco, Neville, Tom, Harry and Minerva struggle to deal with the death of Albus


Draco turned to look at him and pulled Neville close, rocking him slowly. "We all need
him, Nev. We can't keep up this fight without him...but we have to. We have to end
this. For Albus, for Harry. For all those who fought and died to keep our world safe.
We need to finish what they started for the sheer fact that they deserve it to be
finished. They deserve for their deaths not to have been utterly, stupidly useless. We
need for their deaths not to have been in vain. So that we can go on."

The Story Summary:

Neville is the Wizarding World's new hero, but is he ready to face those that betrayed

The Story Basics:

Neville has finally stopped the second war of Voldemort, but as the Wizarding World
starts to rebuild, the survivors must deal with the fall out of war.  Life is tough
for a hero who never wanted to be.  Between his boyfriend turning on him, his best
friend being a temperamental dark wizard and his comrades going insane, Neville must
deal with life as it is, and life as it will be.  And with a new Dark Lord rising,
life only looks like it's getting more hellish.

Rating: R (full warnings below)

Warnings: Angst, Character Death, Character Resurrection *kinda*, Darkfic, Drama, OFC,
OMC, Unhappy Endings *kinda*, Explicit Language, Explicit Sex, Explicit Violence,
Melodrama, OoC, WIP, Suicide, Death Eater Violence, Multiple Partners, Domestic
Violence, Violence Against Children/Elderly

Main Characters: Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan, Percy Weasley,
Lucius Malfoy

Major Minor Characters: Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Peter Pettigrew, Justin FF,
Dennis Creevey.

"I laugh in the face of death...maybe not laugh more like a snicker...a quiet snicker,
and I wouldn't do it directly in death's face so, it's more like a quiet snicker
behind death's back. "

"No, one day I'm going to look back on all this and plow face-first into a tree
because I was looking the wrong bloody way. And I'll still be having a better day than
I am today."

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