HPEF Names Two New Board Members, President
pennylin at plinsenmayer.yahoo.invalid
Tue May 25 18:16:59 UTC 2004
HP Education Fanon, Inc. (HPEF) is pleased to add two new representatives to
its Board of Directors.
Dr. Philip Nel is an Assistant Professor of English at Kansas State
University. He published <i> JK Rowling's Harry Potter Novels: A Reader's
Guide </i> in 2001 and <i> Dr. Seuss: American Icon </i> in 2004. Dr. Nel
teaches a class on Harry Potter at Kansas State University, is a list-member
of HP for Grownups, and was a Special Guest Presenter at Nimbus - 2003.
Dr. Catherine Schaff-Stump holds a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies and
has taught for over 15 years at various institutions, including Kirkwood
Community College and the University of Iowa. Dr. Schaff-Stump is an
administrator at SugarQuill and presented at Nimbus - 2003.
HPEF's second President, Peg Kerr, most regretfully resigned in April 2004.
HPEF is happy to keep a little bit of Peg around as an ex-officio member of
the Board of Directors. To replace her, Lee Hillman, AKA Gwendolyn Grace,
former Vice President (and advising director) of HPEF and the organizer of
their first event, Nimbus - 2003, was elected President and elected to the
Board of Directors as a full, voting member.
HPEF's second event, The Witching Hour, will occur October 6-10, 2005 in
Salem, Massachusetts. Last week, HPEF also announced that its third event,
Lumos, will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada on July 27-30, 2006.
More information about the HPFGU-Announcements