"Fandomopoly" and "Wizarding Triple Crown" - The Witching Hour Announces...

Sheryll Townsend s_ings at S_Ings.yahoo.invalid
Wed Oct 13 14:44:08 UTC 2004


OCT. 5, 2004


For more info:
The Witching Hour
Amy Tenbrink, lead event organizer
amy at ...


Got a favorite fandom community? A `ship close to your heart? A
LiveJournal where you and hundreds of your closest friends marvel at
the many mysteries of Professor Snape?
Well if you've ever pictured your group's name in lights, this could
be your chance. The Witching Hour is pleased to announce the opening
of Fandomopoly, a special edition of the popular board game Monopoly.

The one-of-a-kind board game will be auctioned off at The Witching
Hour – an academic symposium on all things Harry Potter to be held
Oct. 6-10, 2005, in Salem, Mass. Game cards will also be available
for viewing and download on the Web site.

Fandomopoly's properties will bear the names of Harry Potter-related
groups and sites, but in order to get the site's name on a property,
the site must first make a donation to The Witching Hour.

Each group's donation will be applied to both the game as well as
the conference, giving sites a chance to sponsor a programming
session, concert or other special event.

Harry Potter Sites, Yahoo! Groups, blog communities, `ships, and all
other Harry Potter fandom-related Internet communities are eligible
to participate; individuals and for-profit companies are not. Sites
or groups need not be solely concentrated on the Harry Potter
fandom, but must have a verifiable presence in the fandom.

For more information, go to
http://www.witchinghour.org/sponsor/fandomopoly.html, or e-mail
fandomopoly at ....

And in celebration of the autumn season, The Witching Hour is
issuing a call for wizarding competitors with the announcement of
its Wizarding Triple Crown competition, designed to test the
creativity, intelligence and bravery of magic folk from across the
globe. In this First Challenge of the Wizarding Triple Crown,
inspired witches and wizards ages fourteen and older are being asked
to submit artistic creations with the theme of "The Great Hall at
Hallowe'en". This theme will encompass an original and tasteful
scene of a great hall, with no distinguishable aspects of
copyrighted material.

All submissions will be judged by a panel of artists. The winner of
this grand challenge with have the honor of having their artwork
displayed at the conference, as well as a ticket to the long sold
out "Tea With Trelawney" event also being held at the conference.

For a full description of the rules, check out
http://www.witchinghour.org/events/otheramuse.html. All interested are
being asked to send their questions and entries to
wizardingtriplecrown at ....

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