[HPFGU-Announcements] Join HPFanFic.net, the newest of the fanfic archives!

K. Moore nc_kat2002 at nc_kat2002.yahoo.invalid
Thu Feb 3 10:38:20 UTC 2005

May I offer a couple of suggestions:

1) Provide a link so people can email the mods.
2) Please state any pairings in the summaries.  Maybe
you're trying to get away from ships but I think
you'll get more readers if you allow summaries to
state any pairings.

I'll bookmark this site and come back to it when I
have more time to browse. :)



Silver Stag <prongs at ...> wrote:
Hello Harry Potter fanfiction writers and readers. I
proudly present the newest edition to the family of
Harry Potter Fanfiction archives!
>From the site:
Welcome to HPFanFic.Net

An new and exciting Harry Potter Based Fan Fiction

Authors signup and get your stories posted.
Readers, do what you love "Read" and then Review...

For the world of Harry Potter is hidden
from all the world but not to ours..

Remember this site is and always will be AD FREE

Also all authors that have posted stories are
qualified for a free listserv and message board

Writers, come here to expand your reach and readers
come to expand your pool of fanfics!

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