Update of Lost Souls Found
seuferer at shanti_50130.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 12 20:19:15 UTC 2005
Lost Souls Found is now Complete!! It is 57 chapters long, and an
Epilogue. My betas have all chapters, and I am editing their
comments and corrections as fast as possible. As of today, it is
posted through Chapter 53. I am still very much `on target' to have
the entire story posted before Friday night's release of HBP.
I am incredibly honored to announce that one of my readers has
nominated this story for a Mulitfaceted Award in the Best Snape Fic
category. You can see all the nominees here:
There are some amazing fics there, it is truly thrilling to have my
story be nominated.
So, Chapter updates: yesterday and today I have posted the following
Chapter 49: Sacrifice (warning, character death--NOT Snape or Rowena)
Chapter 50: Coping (how everyone deals with the above)
Chapter 51: Unreasonable Demands--wherein we find out at last what
it is that Voldemort wants from Severus as proof of his loyalty.
Chapter 52: Paying the Price--wherein Voldemort gets what he wants,
in spite of Severus' best efforts.
Chapter 53: Final Battles--wherein the war reaches its climax and
inevitable resolution.
To reprise the summary:
Severus Snape and OFC, Romance/drama, hurt/comfort. After OotP so
loads of spoilers for that book, but before Half Blood Prince; so AU
to that book when it arrives. Voldemort is out in the open; Snape
is involved in DE activities because of his OotP Spy role. A
researcher from Ministry offers to aid and assist Dumbledore and is
reacquainted with our Potion's Master whom she knew slightly from
school. Snarky Snape, in depth plot. (Way too much plot for those of
you who want PWP.) COMPLETE, though final chapters awaiting final
revisions before posting. Rated NC-17 for romantic/sexual content
in later chapters as well as some graphic/mature dealings with the
horrors of a Magical War. Overall a romance, but I do not pull any
punches when it comes to dealing with Snape as a Death Eater to
maintain his `cover'. War is gruesome.
Author page (see my cute familyand my hubby who has not cut his
hair since HBP-release date was announced, just for me so he can
dress as Snape for the book party!! What a guy! /vbg/)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1789723/1/ Story link at ffn
http://adultfan.nexcess.net/aff/authors.php?no=13713 Author Page at
http://adultfan.nexcess.net/aff/story.php?no=25336 Story link at afn.
There are more specific Author's Notes which can be found in my
LiveJournal. Anyone may read my journal, though you must be a
registered user there to post in it.
Now that the story is complete, and as soon as I am done getting the
chapters posted, I will begin going back and repairing the roughness
and errors that have been gradually brought to my attention by my
readers. Please continue to point these out as you find them--
'complete' in no way implies 'perfect' and I am always glad to
As always, your comments and criticisms are appreciated and adored.
Hope you enjoy the chapters!
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