Lost Souls Found Chapter 41: Wishful Thinking posted

Lisa seuferer at shanti_50130.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jun 15 06:49:09 UTC 2005

A short chapter to give Severus and Rowena a chance to discuss some 
of the minor `loose ends' as we get close to the end of the school 
year.  Rowena discovers the truth about what happened at Severus' 
last DE meeting, and Severus discovers that he has, at some point, 
developed the distasteful capacity for `wishful thinking'.

To reprise the summary: Severus Snape and OFC, Romance/drama, 
hurt/comfort. After OotP so loads of spoilers for that book, but 
before Half Blood Prince; so AU to that book when it arrives.  
Voldemort is out in the open, Snape is involved in DE activities 
because of his OotP Spy role.  A researcher from Ministry offers to 
aid and assist Dumbledore and is reacquainted with our Potion's 
Master whom she knew slightly from school. Snarky Snape, in depth 
plot. (Way too much plot for those of you who want PWP.) WIP Rated 
NC-17 for later chapters.

http://www.fanfiction.net/~lisasimaginings Author page (see my cute 
family—and my hubby who has not cut his hair since HBP-release date 
was announced, just for me so he can dress as Snape for the book 
party!! What a guy! /vbg/)

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1789723/1/ Story link at ffn

http://adultfan.nexcess.net/aff/story.php?no=25336 Story link at afn.

The story has been more thoroughly 'polished' at FFN because I find 
it more user friendly to my technophobia, but the 'juice' is left in 
the 'lemons' on AFN. 

One of my delightful List Sisters from GotSnape Yahoo Group (among 
others) has told me how to fix those font-thingies on AFN, Yay 
Zee!!  I will be going back and doing that as soon as I have time, 
but my focus at this point is getting the story done before HBP 
comes out. Heh.

If you want to read my chapter notes, comments, or my replies back 
to people who have been kind enough to leave me reviews, you can 
find those on my LiveJournal page.  I am `weasleyfan'.  Anyone may 
view my journal.


Hope you enjoy the Chapter!

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