Deathday Festival

WTF? metamusem at
Mon Sep 5 07:49:29 UTC 2005

We at Sycophant Hex wish to invite all authors and artists to
participate in the Deathday Festival. With the influx of new canon
information after the release of the long-awaited Half Blood Prince,
there has never been a better time for new ideas and fresh insight.

All archives will be included in the Festival. We have tried our very
best to come up with options that are not as restrictive as those
found in a normal challenge formula, while still encouraging the vast
number of different styles found in the Harry Potter fandom. As with
our last Festival, we will have some great prizes.

A new addition to this Festival is a category solely for artists to
try their hand at creating some great art.

We want to see what your interpretations are, each and every one of
you. We are amazed at the amount of wonderful works that come out of
this fandom every day, and we hope that this Festival will be as
invigorating as our last.

For complete details view the main page of Sycophant Hex.

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