One Need Not Be a Chamber to Be Haunted

Kirasha kirasha at
Sun Apr 9 00:48:13 UTC 2006

A Harry Potter Role-Playing game with focus on the
word beyond Hogwarts!  

--Original Characters permitted after a four-week
probationary period playing a canon character.
--Play Tri-era, MWPP era, first war, present-day
(through HBP) to explore your characters history.
--Canon-compliant, this is not an AU world!  No
cross-overs, no everyone is gay at Hogwarts
syndrome,  with a strong focus on quality writing and
believable character development.
--Administrated by three adults with extensive
experience in both role-playing and game

Haunted Chambers is a very lose-flowing game, spanning
several decades of wizarding history, including MWPP
era, first-war forums as well as Trio-era and present
day forums. 

Our focus is on character development and exploration
instead of a strict linear plot line. While plot is
certainly an important part of any storytelling
endeavor, we strive to give our players an opportunity
to greater explore the path their characters have
traveled to reach the current era.

Much of the action in this game takes place in the
world beyond Hogwarts, focusing on the realm of the
adult interactions and the wider wizarding world.
Players applying for 'student' characters should
expect to need to be self-motivating and self-driving
in forming relationships and interactions with other
players on the board.  Shopkeepers, Ministry
Employees, Aurors, Order Members, Death Eaters,
Hospital workers, the possibilities are endless for
characters and game interaction.

The administration team closely screens all applicants
for quality of writing, depth of character
development, avoidance of Mary Sueisms, and a solid
grasp of canon.  This is administrated by three adults
with a great deal of experience with role play games,
administrating communities, and writing.

Homepage Link:
Game format:  phpBB Message Board/Play by Post
Game Rules:
Available Character List:
Age Requirement: 16 and up, only
Content rating:  The overall game is PG-13, though
there are adult forums where slash and het content
is permitted.
Admin Contact Information: haunted_chambers at ...

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