Episode 12 of SpellCast Now Online

Heidi heidi at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 14 22:20:41 UTC 2006

It's the twelfth month of the year and the twelfth episode of
SpellCast! Coincidence? We'll never tell.

In this episode:

- We conclude our Futures of Entertainment conference report with
Gwendolyn Grace's
interview with Diane Nelson from Warner Brothers. (8:44)

- In the Podcast Spotlight, Sidney chats with Marisa and Anna from The
Remembrall Live, a
British Harry Potter podcast. (15:10) (http://live.theremembrall.com/)

- Zorb talks with a few beta readers  about the beta's role in the fan
fiction creative
process. (26:35)

- For the Fan Fiction Review, the hosts discuss How I
Lost My Pink Bunny Slippers by Twin_V (find the story at
http://www.fictionalley.org/authors/twin_v/HILMPBS.html) (36:54)

Don't forget that Hot Topic have released t-shirt with You Know Who -
you can pre-order it at

You can listen to Episode 12 by downloading it via
http://www.spell-cast.com/index.php?post_id=161345 or
subscribe through iTunes.

We hope you enjoy the show; we'd love y our feedback, so please,
comment on the LJ
(http://faspellcast.livejournal.com/2276.html?mode=reply) or email us
at spellcast at ... - please remember to vote for us on
Podcast Alley at
http://www.podcastalley.com/podcast_details.php?pod_id=36682 .

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