SpellCast Needs Staffers (On Air & Behind the Scenes)
heidi at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jul 13 21:59:18 UTC 2006
FictionAlley's SpellCast podcast is looking for more staffers as we
grow from a twice-a-month show to a weekly event!
Two main hosts: Responsible for the planning and recording of
the majority of SpellCast's audio, along with the three other hosts
Robert Standring, Sidney Parker and Andrew Perry. We have much fun
recording the intro, the interviews, the fanfiction review, the
closing and any segment necessary. To apply as a main host you will
need Skype and *good* recording equipment (microphone & headphones) as
well as the recording software Audacity. If you have previous
experience in radio or any other type of broadcasting, that's great,
otherwise no worries.
Spellcast takes up a lot of time, especially for recording, therefore
we are looking for people who are online a lot - we're hoping to bring
on one guy and one woman in this position.
8 alternating Writer's/Artist's Corner hosts: Same as the main hosts,
although they are only responsible for recording the 10 minutes
Writer's/Artist's Corner segment and therefore should have enough
knowledge about HP fanfiction and/or fanart to be able to discuss
characters and ships. For each episode, only 3 hosts will take part to
discuss either a particular type of fanfic (time travel,
post-hogwarts, etc), a character or a ship, which they are familiar
with and prepared to research the topic in the HP community. You will
also need the same audio and software equipment although any
microphone will do to start with. Being a Writer's/Artist's Corner
allows you to take part in Spellcast without it taking up all your
time as you will only be recording one or two shows a month.
If you are interested then please apply by emailing us at
sidney at ... or robert at .... The description
should cover everything you need to know, but if you have more
questions, please do not hesitate to either contact Sidney and Robert
at the above email addresses
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