Fwd: Sectus 2007: New Venue and Submissions Deadline Extension

Elanor Isolda elanor.isolda at elanor_isolda.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jan 8 14:01:37 UTC 2007

Due to higher than anticipated interest, Sectus has decided to expand
and the main conference will now take place at the University of
Westminster's Cavendish Campus.

The Cavendish Campus is located just six minutes' walk from the
original venue, and slightly closer to the official conference hotel,
so any accommodation arrangements made privately should still be
suitable. Details of the official Sectus hotel and our new hostel
option are available at http://www.sectus.org/stay.php

With the extra space and new facilities now available to us, we've
also decided to extend our deadline for submitting proposals for
papers, presentations, discussions and workshops. Abstracts or
proposals are now due by 28th February 2007.

More details about the venue and a map can be found at

Registration is still available at the £55 rate until January 31st,
after which the registration fee will rise to £65 as previously
announced. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us
at info at ....

We can't wait to meet you all at the new, bigger and better Sectus 2007!


Elanor Isolda
Conference Chair
Sectus 2007


Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Harry Potter in London!  Register
now for Sectus 2007 at http://www.sectus.org

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