Harry Potter in SecondLife
Heidi Tandy
heidi at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Mon May 21 20:58:22 UTC 2007
Since 2001, FictionAlley has been the premier home for Harry
Potter-based fiction, art, and discussion of canon, fanon and writing,
mediated through the
Internet. This past weekend, hundreds of fans gathered in person at
Phoenix Rising, a symposium sponsored in part by FictionAlley.
But what if you could have all the fun of real-time, personal,
embodied interaction - without needing to leave your computer?
FictionAlley is proud to announce the opening of its new home in
Second Life. Haven't yet heard of this online phenomenon? Check out
http://secondlife.com and learn about the virtual environment where
you can create a personalized avatar, develop land, design and build
objects - even fly!
In FictionAlley's corner of the Second Life world, you'll find a
lake-side castle surrounded by grounds primed for a forest. Enter the
building and enjoy the same art, writing, and educational resources
you've come to love at FictionAlley.org. Join a drabble session -
organize a live canon discussion - contribute your own art to the
gallery - role-play your favorite scene - add your prediction to our
pre-book seven collection...
It's all up to you!
You'll also notice that the land and castle are still in development,
because we want you to help make the space an expression of
FictionAlley users' creativity. Find information about how to help out,
create items and contribute content
at the desk inside.
Second Life is free to join and takes only a short time to learn basic
functions (Hint: To fly, press E). You can find FictionAlley at:
We can't wait to see you in-world!
More information about the HPFGU-Announcements