Call for entries!

morgainemckennablack njwill3 at
Fri Nov 30 01:58:22 UTC 2007

Padfoot's Army <>   is looking for artists,
writers, and poets to enter it's first creative contest........


     * Submission
           o You can submit up to ONE entry per category. This means you
may submit a maximum of four entries.
           o You can either register to become a member of Padfoot's Army
forum, and post your work in a new topic in the appropriate category OR
you may e-mail us at padfootsarmy AT gmail DOT com to have a moderator
post your entry for you.
           o If you sign up for an account, we will contact you through
private messages if you win, so be sure to check the account!
           o All entries must be submitted by December 31st 2007, no
later than 11:59 PM. This means that we either have to have received an
e-mail containing your work before this time, or you must have made a
post in the appropriate forum with your work before this time.
           o The author or artist of the work can choose whether or not
to accept comments on his or her art or written work. If he or she
chooses to, other forum members may leave constructive comments on the
piece. If the author or artist chooses not to accept comments, no
comments are allowed.
     * Prizes
           o To be determined. Right now it'll either be lot's of fame, a
cool sig, and having eveyone jealous of your skills or a custom t-shirt.
We're still working this out.
     * Judging
           o Judging will be as fair as possible. Each piece will be
judged by a number of judges who will independently assign it a score of
between 0 and 100. The various scores the judges assign will then be
averaged out, and the score for the piece will be the average of the
scores awarded by the judges.

     * The Categories
           o Fanart
                 + All visual artwork can be submitted under the fanart
forum. We ask that fanart contain no nudity.
                 + All artwork submitted must be original.
                 + All artwork should be Harry Potter related. It does
not have to be Sirius related.
           o Poetry
                 + You can submit any original poetry under the poetry
                 + All poetry submitted must be original.
                 + All poetry should be related to Harry Potter. It does
not have to be Sirius related.
           o Fanfic
                 + You can submit any original fanfiction under the
fanfic forum.
                 + All fanfic's submitted must be original.
                 + Due to limited time, we ask that fanfics are only one
                 + Once again, all fanfic should be related to Harry
Potter, though not necesarily Sirius related.
           o Holiday Entries
                 + You can submit any original holiday themed piece under
the Holiday forum
                 + This is a special category. You can submit any form of
work including art, written, and fanfic.
                 + All work submitted must have a holiday theme.
                 + All work submitted must be original.

Good Luck Everyone!

--Padfoot's Army

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