Survey for a conference paper

phoebeada Nadine.Farghaly at
Sun Oct 21 05:43:46 UTC 2007


My name is Nadine and I am a Graduate Student and
Teaching Assistant at the Bowling Green State University,
Bowling Green, Ohio.

At the moment I am working on a conference paper about fan
fiction in connection with the source text. This is the site
where you can find the conference proposal: 

I have chosen the Harry Potter books for this paper because of
their popularity among fan fiction readers and writers and so far this
has really been fun. I created a few questions that will be helpful to
my research and I hope to get a lot of data. I am especially
interested in Draco and Harry fanfiction as my main attention focuses
on a possible queer reading of the Harry Potter books but I would be
glad about any information you are willing to share with me. .

I hope that a lot of fans are going to participate in this survey.

If you have any question feel free to write me

phoebeADA at ...

Thank you

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