Sectus 2009 cancellation
Elanor Isolda
elanor.isolda at
Thu Feb 7 14:41:02 UTC 2008
I regret to announce that, for personal reasons, I am unable to continue as
Chair of Sectus 2009. I have tried very hard to find a way for the event to
go ahead without me, but unfortunately this has not proved possible. We have
therefore had to make the decision to cancel Sectus 2009.
Anyone already registered for the conference will receive a full refund
within the next few days.
Sectus 2007 was an amazing event, and it was an honour and a pleasure to
have the opportunity to organise it. I had high hopes for 2009, so this has
been a difficult decision and I am deeply saddened by this outcome.
Thank you for your past support, and I hope that you enjoy the numerous
other conferences being organised.
All the best,
Elanor Isolda
Chair, Sectus Ltd
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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