Harry Potter Filks: Ich Bin Ein Berliner
Caius Marcius
coriolan at coriolan_cmc.yahoo.invalid
Mon Sep 29 03:58:34 UTC 2008
While most HP filkers (including me) having laid aside their quills,
the prolific JustLivePosthumously is only hitting his stride with his
fourth 2008 HP musical, Harry, Get Your Wand based on Irving Berlin's
Annie, Get Your Gun.
The author writes that , "My musical focuses on the competition, the
Graveyard scene, various character pieces for Rita Skeeter, the
Weasleys, and the foreign wizard academies. Although Goblet of Fire
is the most frightening and among the darker Harry Potter books, and
Annie, Get Your Gun is a very typical jazzy musical show, I hope that
you will enjoy the new light shed on old situations, new and creative
renditions instead of typical ones. I must confess that the Crouch
drama and Harry's relationship with Ron and Hermione have been
slighted, but they were replaced with a great S-P-E-W song, Tri-Wiz
standards, the largest conceivable Prologue, and the best Duel with
Enjoy and please provide JPL with positive feedback via e-mail!
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