AZKATRAZ Programming Proposal Submission Deadline Extended
Heidi Tandy
heidi at
Fri Jan 30 04:33:20 UTC 2009
Given the ice storms and power failures across parts of the United
States this week, we've extended the programming submission deadline
to 11:59 PM, San Francisco time, on February 9, 2009.
And to cap off the count-down to the submission deadline, we'll be
hosting a chat on Saturday, January 31st from noon EST to 3:00 PM
(noon PST) and from 9:00 PM until midnight (EST) - follow the
instructions we'll put on our home page that morning - and again from
12 noon EST to 3:00 PM (noon PST) on Sunday, February 1st. Come in any
time and one of the chairs or programming committee chairs will answer
your questions about panels, roundtables, papers and workshops, help
you brainstorm or draft your summary, talk about content for bios, and
Please let us know if you have any questions, and for more information
about AZKATRAZ, set to take place in San Francisco in tandem with the
release of HBP: The Movie from July 17 - 21, 2009, visit - - .
More information about the HPFGU-Announcements