Volunteer at Azkatraz and get a chance to win an INFINITUS registration

Heidi Tandy heidi at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Wed May 13 22:15:49 UTC 2009

Who wants a free registation to INFINITUS 2010?

AZKATRAZ volunteers have a chance to win a FREE registration to next
year's INFINITUS conference in Orlando, FL! For EVERY hour you work,
you get a raffle ticket that enters you to win (minimum 5 hours). The
MORE you volunteer, the more chances you get to WIN!

In addtion, volunteers get a FREE AZKATRAZ t-shirt, access to FREE
food from the volunteer room while on duty, plus a chance to make new

Winner of the free INFINITUS registration will be announced at the
LEAVING FEAST at AZKATRAZ!  Here is a list of open volunteer

    * Quidditch Tournament coordinator
    * Jail & Bail - Head Auror
    * Jail & Bail - Arresting Aurors
    * Common Room Coordinator
    * Decoration Specialists
    * Formal Programming Room Prefects
    * Formal Programming Head Boy/Girl
    * Security Patrol
    * Registration Team
    * Many more to come...

Don't miss out, email volunteerteam at ... today for more
information! We've updated our Help Wanted page at
http://www.hp2009.org with more information, too

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