- is there..
carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Thu Apr 29 13:29:53 UTC 2004
--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, Barry Arrowsmith
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> ...and yet another going on about the origin of Golden
Snitches! "Do they have a larval form?" Before "Quidditch Through the
Ages" and not really worth a separate category, I think.
aargh..no, definitely not. Just file under quidditch somewhere
> I've got a feeling that very few of the theory acronyms will be
used much, saving a small number that keep recurring, like MAGIC
Yes, this is Dicey's view as well. Because it took so long to put
them on, I was lazily just leaving them all there, until we got to
that part of the list to see what happened. However, now I am
dithering about whether to take them all out again in advance. Would
save a lot of space on the category list I suppose.
> Would it be possible to eventually tie in the Inish Alley database
to the index? - the posts where the acronyms first show up are listed
in that, together with the number of the original post. Anyone
interested could chase them down that way.
You mean have a button called something like 'Inish Alley' on the
finished site, which is a hotlink taking you straight to that list ?
It doesn't sound difficult to do, for them wot knows how to..Paul ??
Any thoughts ?
> Most of the theories were generated by the old crowd and many are
TBAY related (which I think should be a listed category anyway -
MADAM WHIPLASH is hardly the Hermione of the canon. An avid SHIPper
searching for past pairings might be bemused at her and Percy playing
Dominatrix games in PEPPERMILL instead of the usual slush. But I love
> (etc)
Ah, now we differ here. I think that providing TBAY posts are
identified as such in their subject line, as a warning to the
squeamish, they should take their place amongst the other posts, and
be coded up the same way. I wouldn't want them shuffled off anywhere
obscure. Essentially, they are just an incisive way of making a point
that could have gone in to a normal post. But love the Hermione/Percy
dominatrix scenario - haven't seen that one. Must look it out.. Your
argument for relegating it to a darkened room would be that it is
(probably !) based on very little canon and is nearly fanfic ? Just a
more grown up perspective I would briskly argue, and salutary for the
SHIPPERS to encounter..
My original reason for piling all the acronyms on to the category
list was actually because I found it helpful to find out which ones
belonged with which character, and I still think that's a useful
thing to know. Also, I was coding up some things a few days ago which
were identical to LOLLIPOPS, but preceded it by about eighteen
months - I think it is interesting to read that progression, and how
a theory name came to define something that a lot of people thought
from day 1.
I accept that if a theory didn't generate much interest beyond its
original outing, it should be downgraded as previously discussed, but
I do feel that by the same token, those theories that really became
major concepts (such as Magic Dishwasher), should end up with their
own category code. Most major theories got discussed in both TBAY and
non-TBAY form, and all those responses should surely stay together ?
> Exactly which filters would be best and how the threads are shown
needs some thinking about. No-one's going to be happy if we don't get
it right first time. What sort of time-scale before it has to be
addressed? Can Paul advise?
I suspect that we should begin working on it fairly soon, as it is
also a useful way of checking what has been coded under various
headings, and making any adjustments before the number of posts
becomes too daunting to deal with.
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