UPDATE, Sunday 29th July

annemehr annemehr at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 1 14:39:21 UTC 2004

While you were composing this update, I managed to code up a decent
chunk of posts. I am going to try much harder to make time for this,
because the current posting surge at HPfGU has made me realise we'd
better get cracking or we'll be left in the dust! Anyway...

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com, "a_reader2003"
<carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:
> New categories:
> 2.14.9 (1073) Anti-SHIPPING
> (1074) ASSET
> (1076) RAPIST
> (1077) RASPBERRY
> 3.15.8 (1072) Azkaban
> 3.17.2 (1070) Triwizard Tournament
> 4.4.5 (1071) British School Traditions

I hate to be a pain, but do we need a category for the Hogwarts
Express? I just coded up a post about the length of time it takes to
get from London to Hogsmeade. I put it under Geography, where it seems
to fit fine, but it made me think of the other HE posts that will come
up -- ones about being allowed to do magic, or whether there ought
to/would be disciplinary consequences to causing tentacles to sprout
all over another student's face. These would fit under Law and Order,
3.3.5 and 3.3.6, or even under "Prefects" -- I just wondered if we
wanted to collect them all together also. If we did add this category,
I'd put it under "Hogwarts" rather than "Magical Transportation,"
because the subject is much wider than merely getting from one place
to another.

On a related note, while Hogwarts has categories for Teachers and
Prefects, there isn't one for "Discipline" or "School Rules" -- an
umbrella category that seems like it would come in handy, especially
as Filch comes into this a lot, too.


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