UPDATE, Sunday 29th August
carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Sun Aug 29 17:34:13 UTC 2004
We have now coded/allocated for coding 25065 posts. Of the 25065, we
have actually coded 23169 posts, and of the 23169, rejected 15166 -
This week, with 7 people coding, we managed to do 1775 posts.
I am very pleased to welcome Kathy (potioncat) and Laurasia
(sevenhundredandthirteen) to our group, making us 20 in all.
The posts are now beginning to get more complex to code, and we are
fast approaching Theory Bay. It gets steadily more difficult to
explain the category list and coding rules as we get further in, so
if at all possible I'd like to try and soldier on now with our
current team, unless we have a serious number of people dropping out.
Therefore, (you knew this was coming..), any time you can give to the
project really will make a difference! I know that various people are
now back from holiday, and, um, the Olympics can't go on much longer
can they? So...
Some of the progress numbers might change a little next week as Paul
has written me a new analysis routine for adding them up. I didn't
use it this week as I have some questions to go through with him
about exactly what it does and doesn't show.
The next thing that happens is that apparently I will then be able to
do all those reject category merges that were discussed about a month
ago. Hm, just watch me screw that up..
Finally, Paul really needs some help to begin to design our screens
for the presentation of the catalogue to members, so we are going to
devise an ad detailing the skills we need. Kelley will put it up on
OTC and Feedback for us, so it appears as an Admin message, not
mentioning the catalogue. [We are still don't feel ready to explain
the project all that widely to the members generally].
Hopefully there are enough web designers in HPfGU who may be able to
give us a hand. As my experience with this kind of thing is that it
is half content decisions/half technical suggestion, I think we are
all going to find this very interesting, and a huge encouragement to
see how our work might finally appear.
NEW CATEGORIES (1090) Morality vs. immorality (1088) Jealousy (1089) Expelliarmus
More information about the HPFGU-Catalogue