HP and Theoretical Physics

sevenhundredandthirteen sevenhundredandthirteen at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 14 00:42:26 UTC 2004

If this isn't the single most thought-provoking post I've ever read, 
I don't know what is.

>From 32283
I had wondered about the wizarding world being real too, daydreaming 
about the possibilities and how frightening it might be. Theoretical 
Physics is a non-fiction subject I am interested in.If you take the 
chaos theory and other newly discovered properties of matter that 
scientist's are proposing exist, then the wizarding world could very 
well be real. Think of all the strange stories throughout history of 
people who supposedly had unusual abilities. Could it be that they 
were wizards? Rowling talks about suddenly conceiving the idea of 
Potter series while riding on a train. Anyone who reads Jungian 
psychology might wonder where this entertaining epiphany came 
from...Obviously, muggles outnumber the wizard population and are a 
threat, therefore the wizards found it necessary to hide their 
existance to prevent extinction. Also, Hagrid refers to the wizard 
population as nearly dying out at one time, and that being one of 
reasons Dumbledore allows muggle born wizards into the school and as 
an explaination for squibs. Who knows? But its an interesting 
possibility that the wizarding world could actually exist if you 
your supposition on theoretical physics. Einstein was horrified at 
some of theories that his discoveries led him to conclude. I'm sure 
you remember his comment that" God does not play dice with the 
universe". Hey, but what if he does?

Jo Ellen
> --------------------------------------------------------

Who has a real interest in theoretical physics and is plotting a way 
to revive this thread. Any tips on where the hell I code this are 
also welcome. I can't find any real 'philosophy' category.

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