[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Talisman returns...

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Wed Dec 15 16:15:29 UTC 2004

>  Tim - thank you, thank you! It is just as good as I remembered it.
>  This is known as quality posting, IMNVHO...
>  For anyone not familiar with Talisman's style, all I can say is you
>  have a treat in store in the archives ahead. And I say that even
>  though she sliced me up in my first week as a newbie. It's the Snape
>  approach - it works, you know.
>  Carolyn

Agreed. Quality stuff.

I'm trying to find out why it was removed (if, as it seems, it wasn't 
somebody in Admin getting the vapours). Will report back if/when I hear 

Personally,  I'm all for site heavyweights  taking it upon themselves 
to put whippersnappers firmly in their place - you had Talisman, I had 
Amanda. You don't half learn quickly just what is acceptable and what 
isn't. You lick your wounds and get on with it -  or leave.

Maybe somebody should write a paper - Public Humiliation in the 
Evolution of a Message Board: Get Fit or Die.


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