[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re:
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Sun Dec 19 10:23:09 UTC 2004
> *However*...I have just been lucky enough to encounter Elkin's first
> post [33804]. Things are looking up...although interestingly, as yet,
> she sees no shades of grey with Peter. Maybe later - I forget what
> her eventual position was on him.
> Carolyn
I like it.
The sub-text that the Longbottoms might be cold-eyed killers who
deserved everything they got, with a hint that the Lestranges were
risking life and limb by nobly revenging their fallen friends when they
could have run away and hidden - plus a soupcon of Sevvy angst in
betraying those he admires - hmm! Can we re-post it?
I do enjoy it when the righteous (or self-righteous) start foaming at
the mouth.
Alternatively, I feel an historical allusion coming on..... my old
mate Cromwell. Maybe in a few days I'll have something fit to post.
Oh, and I've finished my current batch. Though it's questionable how
much I'll be able to do, what with this outbreak of the totally
unnatural 'goodwill to all men' attitude that I'm expected to adopt for
the coming week.
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