[HPFGU-Catalogue] Hi..

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Thu Dec 30 17:22:30 UTC 2004

On 29 Dec 2004, at 13:42, carolynwhite2 wrote:

>  This is to let you know I am back and will be catching up with all
>  your emails as soon as possible today.
>  Also, most of you will be aware by now that Barry has pulled out of
>  the main group. He has, however, decided to stay with this project
>  for the time being, and will also be posting in future on an
>  invitation-only board called The Old Crowd, which many of us here
>  already belong to.
>  Those who are not members of TOC, and who would like to continue to
>  enjoy his quite brilliant analyses of HP (not that I am biased or
>  anything) should contact Kelley Thompson for further info - she is a
>  moderator of the group.
>  He also says email him offlist if you have an interesting idea or
>  theory that you want to kick around.
>  Carolyn

Still around the catalogue, yes.
Posting on TOC? Chance would be a fine thing. I never realised that 
dropping off the main board would involve composing so many emails. I 
should have kept my mouth shut and just vanished.

And I'm pretty  sure that this bunch of cut-throat posters  scarcely 
need the responses of a doddering old fart in order to bask in the 
glory of universal approbation that befits their station as subtle 
disputants. Still... if you do come up with an interesting idea..... 
it's bound to be better than watching day-time TV, isn't it?

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