Stage two - reject codes

a_reader2003 carolynwhite2 at
Mon Feb 23 18:58:55 UTC 2004

Ignoring all technical stuff in the previous post, lets assume we 
have a system that works, and we are beginning to code up posts for 
inclusion or non-inclusion. What did you think of my nine reject 
categories, which were:

1 – Admin/list management related
2 – Movie-related
3 – Discussing spoiler issues/problems
4 – Off-topic chatter
5 – Listings of personal `favourite' characters, topics, whatever
6 – Fanfic-related
7 – Repeated post/content
8 – Merely agreeing with something, adding nothing else
9 – Post was correcting a trivial mistake in a previous post

I found that these worked for the first 1000 posts, but only because 
this was an early stage in the development of the list.  There are 
two big problems likely to come up as we go on:

-	posts which simply repeat, or come up with an exactly similar 
point that has gone before (but which may generate entirely new 
discussion points)
-	posts which are based on simply wrong canon, and cause loads 
of people to pile in correcting things, (but also in passing make 
further new points)

My tentative view at this stage is that the first group (repeated 
posts) should be allowed in for coding up purposes, and be included 
in subsequent edited threads, but severely pruned to reflect their 
role in starting off a new discussion.

On the second group, I am inclined to reject them unless they lead to 
something new being said as a consequence.

Other problems on what to reject/what to include may have occurred to 
lets hear them (I can hear Barry sharpening his red pen 


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