Re: STAGE TWO – the subject categories

arrowsmithbt arrowsmithbt at
Tue Feb 24 17:01:47 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, silmariel <silmariel at t...> wrote:
> >I'd have it:
> >1. Textual Analysis
> >2. Characters: Beasts, Beings and Spirits
> >3. SHIPs
> >4. Sources and Influences
> >5. The Wizarding World
> >6. Predictions
> >Anne
> 1. Textual Analysis
> 2. Characters: Beasts, Beings and Spirits
> 3. The Wizarding World
> 4. Interests: 
>    SHIPs
>    Sources and Influences
>    Filks, If not let out. (*)
> 5. Predictions

Interesting. The Main Categories are getting fewer. Probably for the best.
Most searchers would be happier with fairly broad choices to start with,
branching out into more specific fields, I think.
> You know, the first question that arised in my mind when I received the 
> categories list was where to put Catlady's once a week posts. They need 
> multiple categories.

Me too. I vote you tell her she has to resubmit all her messages as separate
subject posts. Though she's just an outstanding example of combining
comments from varying posts in an omnibus reply. Others do it too, only
less frequently.

> If anyone can explain me the difference between ships, ships, and ships, I'll 
> be glad to hear it. Currently I don't know whether you refer to relationSHIPs 
> (the one I put in 'Interests') or SHIPs as boats. I'm very lost.

SHIPs is Ships is ships. An abomination upon the face of the Earth by any
name. Pseudo-romantic slush, probably engendered by over-dosing on
TV soaps. Caused by incipient brain rot in the SHIP fanatics and high blood
pressure in those (like me) who are subjected to them.

> P.S. I proudly announce I will lead chapter discussion for Snape's Worst 
> Memory.

Must dig out and rephrase some trenchant posts I made on the subject -
it's a thread I feel strongly about.

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