Hello, and some files

Kelley kelleythompson at gbronline.com
Wed Feb 25 20:15:38 UTC 2004

Hi, everyone!

I'm sorry for not speaking up here yet; for some reason, Yahoo had my 
account bouncing, so I wasn't receiving any messages from this 
group.  Seems to be in working order now, though (knock wood).

I've begun uploading some files here (from the FAQ list) that might 
be helpful.  The Enchilada is here along with some of Paul's Magical 
Spreadsheets. :-)  I have more to upload; these others might be 
redundant, but useful to look at, anyway.

Oh!  Carolina, Paul would be happy to answer any questions, so you 
should feel free to contact him -- kippesp@ yahoo.com.

If it's all right with you all, I would like to invite both Paul and 
Dicey to this group; they both gave a lot of technical assistance to 
the FP project, cataloguing in particular, so if they're inclined, 
their advice would be wonderful.  Please let me know if this is okay 
with you all.

I'll keep uploading as I'm able (I need to see if I can figure out 
how it's supposed to be sorted) and jump in when I can.  I've just 
gotten another draft of an update for the HBF to my drafting partner 
(Debbie, elfundeb), so that will soon go to the entire admin team for 
further comments, changes, etc., and I've been making notes for an 
VFAQ update (and was working on a Portkey update with Maria; she's 
done all the work, really, I just consulted, and oh, it's beautiful! 
<g>).  Be nice to get all our documents updated at once.

The admin team is working on some administrative issues now (still 
working out governance matters and so on), and that certain 'problem' 
we'd been having had seem to have backed off a bit, but was 
apparently working on the next assault.  ;-)  Anyway, am juggling a 
bit, but working on getting those documents finished up so to have 
more 'project' time.

Btw, if any of y'all would like to reach me via YM, I'm kelleyscorpio 
there and almost always 'on', but almost always invisible. ;-)  Feel 
free to buzz me anytime; if I'm at the computer, I'll respond. <g>


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