carolynwhite2 at
Wed Jul 7 22:59:03 UTC 2004
--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, "boyd_smythe"
<boyd.t.smythe at f...> wrote:
> boyd:
> As promised, I've been thinking about predictions and how to handle
> them, and I have a few *somewhat* leading questions. <g>
> * When coding a prediction, should we code it as both a prediction
and also whatever other topics the prediction covers? For example,
might predicting a war at Hogwarts include both (Book 7,
> Predictions/no canon) and 1.2.3 (War & Miltary Strategy, Hogwarts
> Defences)? This would allow cross-checking for predictions
regarding specific subjects for prediction-geeks like me.
I have not been, but perhaps I should. I have just been putting
things into one or other of the predictions categories, depending on
how much canon support it had.
However, I confess, I tend to only put very slight predictions in
either category. If something is a long, carefully analysed piece,
that argues for some outcome or other, this seems to me to go way
beyond 'I think x will happen in book 7'. To take an extreme example,
is MAGIC DISHWASHER a prediction? Would it have any meaning to code
it here?
> * Should the many TBAYs that are both interpretations of canon
> predictions be coded to predictions, as well? Again, this would
> easier cross-checking.
On the above argument, I would say no...
> * Do any SHIPs belong in predictions? For example, "I think
> will end up with Harry when the series is over, because in
PoA ...."
> In some ways, most SHIPping is prediction, since the arguments
> eventually get around to who JKR will have with whom in future
> so perhaps the SHIP codes are sufficient here. Plus, SHIPpers be a
> foul lot of scallywags, arrh, and must be kept apart from more
> folk. <];)
Yuck. Can't we leave them in the SHIP box at the end of section 2 to
fester? I do put the occasional SHIP into the prediction section, but
try not to overdo it.. I mean, they all go round the same triangle
don't they? On the other hand, there is MADAM WHIPLASH... <g>
> * When coding a prediction that is *not* book-specific
(e.g. "someone
> will be Imperio'd, and I think it's Ron"), where does that go, Book
> or Book 7? Should we add a category for such predictions? (please,
> please, otherwise we'll be choosing willy-nilly between books 6 & 7
> and adding no value to our poor members).
Erm, I think we decided that it depended where we were on the list at
the time. That is, right now (around post 5000), its still pre-OOP,
so in case of doubt, code to Book 5, unless it is quite clearly
labelled a book 6 or 7 prediction. A bit earlier, pre-GOF, we were
coding almost exclusively to GOF on predictions, as the publication
frenzy grew. Make sense ??
> * Should there be specific codes for the big prediction topics that
> have no current category, such as how/whether LV will be defeated?
> will die? Will the Cubs ever win the World Series? Will anyone ever
> come up with a cleaner that gets out tough grass stains? (OK, maybe
> just the first two.)
> --boyd
> [Ed. Note: Not actually a Cubs fan.]
Hm. We have just had some footie-type World Series inflicted on us
over here ...What is it with chasing balls of various sizes over
patches of grass? Passeth all understanding..
Not in favour of prediction codes as such for big topics like these.
Goes back to my first point - it seems to me that these kind of posts
are way beyond predictions in the sense that I was using the
Be interested in other people's thoughts on these points, which are
good ones to raise.
Thinking of issuing Detentions to Dave and Barry for the kettle
thread, if I can finally pick myself up the floor from laughing....I
mean, how are we going to code *that* ? Predictions??? Flatulence?
Flat feet..
And the punishment? Well, Barry for one can do the second edit on the
SHIP category for sure..
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