UPDATE Sunday 11th July
carolynwhite2 at aol.com
Sun Jul 11 16:19:00 UTC 2004
As of today, 15115 posts have been allocated for coding/or coded. Of
the 15115, 13799 have actually been done, and of the 13799, 9695 have
been rejected (hooray)- a continuing rate of 70%.
This week, in a mass fit of enthusiasm, no less than 9 people found
some time, and as a consequence, we completed 2111 posts, compared to
the measly 500-odd last week! Thanks.
Ahem, just one person (who knows who they are!) has about 60 posts to
finish waaay back at the beginning of the group posts..can you do
them, as its just *ruining* my nice little line of ticks...?!
I still have to summarise about the reject categories for Kelley/MEG,
in particular about the 'adds nothing new' category: anyone want to
make any more comments about this? At the back of Kelley's concern is
that she thought all the posts would be in the catalogue, but the way
its going, it looks like only 30% will be indexed for member's use.
This seems a *very* good thing to me, but I have to explain it more
fully so that it doesn't come across that the catalogue is just a
highly subjective selection of past posts.
Paul, here's a tech query for you from Kelly, who is still on the
high seas (but managed to see POA when she docked in a port recently):
Twice, when attempting to bring up posts, I've received the following
message: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: recode_string() in
C:\www\paracelsus\contrib\pear\Mail\mimeDecode.php on line 535. This
occurs with posts 1660 and 1761. I glanced at the code;
recode_string seems to be a subroutine to convert utf8 numbers, but I
didn't investigate any further. Does this occur in the real
database, or just mine? Any idea why?
2.12.11 (1059) FB&WTFT
3.6.3 (1060) QTTA (1058) Accio
1.4.3 (55) Portrayal of males/females (add): /gays (438) Philosopher's Stone (add): & Elixir of Life
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