[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: FAQs?

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at btconnect.com
Tue Jul 13 15:54:51 UTC 2004

>  Only a little light whipping occasionally.. you know you enjoy it.
>  And I can't believe you watch golf..now that is a punishable offence.

Barbarian. You've missed one of the great joys in life if you haven't  
read P.G.Wodehouse's golf stories. Plucky work with a mashie-niblick, 
etc. Great stuff from a self-confessed golf failure.
Start with "The  Clicking of Cuthbert" and get hooked.

>  Anyway, the site's fixed now and you should be able to get in. Can I
>  persuade you to download Yahoo IM? More technology I know, but its
>  free, reaches Paul real fast and allows multi-person chats. I'm dead
>  impressed with it myself.

Yahoo IM? Never heard of it. Does it work on proper  computers - like 
Macs? And you're asking me to put my trust in something labelled Yahoo? 
Sounds like a triumph of hope over experience to me.


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